Corina Marti teaches early recorders and keyboard instruments (clavicembalum, claviciterium, renaissance harpsichord, organetto) at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis, part of Musik-Akademie Basel, part of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW). To visit Corina’s profile on the FHNW website click here (in German).
Students who consider applying for the study of these instruments with Corina Marti at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis are welcome to get in touch:
- 30 March – Koninklijk Conservatorium, Den Haag (NL) [more info]
- ?-? April-May – Shinsyu Early Music Village, Ueda, Nagano (JP) [more info]
- 6-14 July – International Summer School of Early Music, Valtice (CZ) [more info]
- 21-26 July – International Early Music Masterclass, Karkku (FIN) [more info]
- 18-20 October – 9. Internationale Tage der Portativorgel [more info]
Watch this space for the info about upcoming masterclasses.